The Mystery Penny Item at Publix for Wednesday 1/20
or Thursday 1/21, is:
Publix Paper Towels 1 roll
You can get the Publix Penny item with any purchase that is $10 or more
before coupons.
There is a Mystery Penny Item coupon in the Wednesday or Thursday Paper
every week . Some stores do not require this coupon, but
many have changed and do require it now, check with your store to find their policy.
The Penny Item is now for
one day only, and will be
the day that the add starts in your area. This is Wednesday for all of
SC and AL, and parts of GA, or Thursday for Northern GA.
Get all of this weeks
Publix Deals and Coupon Matches! There is also
Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer with lots of deals and a
Green Advantage Buy list of coupons!.
**Note: FL and Coastal GA stores DO NOT participate in the Penny Item**
A thought… You will not get much closer to free, so
if you don’t need, like or want this item, then give it away. There are
many folks that would probably love it!