Here are a few more Target deals:
Special K Red Berries cereal $2.39 Buy 4 boxes for a total of $9.56
Use the $5/4 manufacturer coupon with Target logo from
here Plus, use 4 $0.50/1
Target coupons Final cost just $2.56 total—ONLY $0.64 per box!
Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal on a price-cut for $2.75 Use the $1.50/1 coupon from here –This coupon is out of prints!
Or look for $1/1 peelie manufacturer Kashi coupons found on the cereal
Plus, stack with the $0.75/1 Target coupon from
here Final cost $0.50 to $1!
Lean Cuisines are on a price cut for $1.87 each Buy 3 for a total of $5.61
Use 1 $1/3 manufacturer coupon w/Target logo from
here Plus, use 3 $1/1 Target coupons from
here Final cost just $1.61–ONLY $0.54 per meal!
(Thanks, Lara!) **This is even a better deal, then the
Smart Ones gift card promo!
Check out the rest of the current Target deals here and here!