Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sample Me Saturday

Lipton 100% Natural Tea Bags- I've already used 2 of these! :-)
Lubriderm Sample-finally came from the text offer that was from back in Nov! and The Gold Bold lotion sample from Walmart Start Sampling!
Plums, the Bird's Eye/ Viola! and Pixar/UP Rebate check and Coupons from Dollar General that are Manufacturer coupons!!
Green Works Detergent sample from text offer back in November, P&G Olay rebate, Recycle Bank coupon for FREE Green Works Cleaner and the Publix Family Style Magazine with COUPONS!!

So how well was your mailbox fed this week? I love checking mine for samples and money! 

McNeil Consumer Healthcare Products Recall-New Post!!

I know I already made a post about this recall but I need to make another. I finally took the time to check all my McNeil Products and what did I find but...... I had just taken 2 Tylenol PM last night that were in one of the batches that were recalled!!

Product Description:
NDC Code #
UPC #300450176509
LOT #s
AFA177 AFA326
So PLEASE check yours IMMEDIATELY! I don't know how serious of a recall this is but I don't like to take any chances especially with medicine. The McNeil site recommends that you throw away any unused product and make sure you throw it away where your kids can't get into it! Go HERE to check if any products you have need to be thrown away because they are on the list. If they aren't on the recall a pop-up message will appear after you enter the Lot # that says "This was not recalled" and if it is on the list of recalled products it will take you to the part of the page where it shows that product/info.