I have always been a fan of smoothies. There’s just something so refreshing about drinking frozen blended fruit!
However, I recently started to hear people talking about “Green
Smoothies”. It didn’t sound tasty, and almost sounded downright yucky!
These very people were saying that they were actually putting spinach in their smoothies!!
Now I know veggies are essential and spinach has been called a
superfood, but honestly… not in my smoothie! Curiosity got the best of
me though, and I now must say I’m hooked.
When experimenting with a “recipe” I had an amazing discovery… I couldn’t taste the spinach!
So why wouldn’t I add this tremendously healthy green into my
smoothie? Oh, and as long as you add some pretty colored fruit, it
won’t turn out green either!
Recipe ~ Green Smoothies!
1 handful spinach
2 cups orange juice
2 cups milk
1 banana
8 – 10 strawberries (I use frozen)
1/2 cup blueberries (I use frozen)
8 oz. yogurt (I prefer boysenberry or blackberry)
1 dash of sugar
*Blend spinach, orange juice and milk together first. I use the liquify option on my blender.
*Once the spinach has blended well, add all other ingredients and blend.
*If using fresh fruit, you can add in some ice cubes for more of a frozen consistency.

is a great way to pack some fruit & veggie servings into your day.
You may also find another bonus is a little boost of energy! Optional
add-ins could include ground flax, protein powder, unflavored fiber
powder, etc.
Have you tried a green smoothie yet? What are some of
your favorite things to add into your smoothies? Leave a comment – I’d
love to hear!!