Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuck Away, Divide and Conquer and many more helpful tips to come!

Tuck away

Tuck away

Instead of leaving your hair items out on display, consolidate them in a basket. Keeping like items together will speed up your morning routine.

Divide and conquer

Divide and conquer

Opening your cabinets can send an avalanche of lids toppling down on you. Solve the problem by placing lids in boxes with dividers. Place the boxes inside the cabinets and open doors without fear.

Ok, so I'm organizing obsessed, but this is such a great idea! I just hate putting up pot lids. If you moved just one thing from under my cabinets the lids just go everywhere! I think this is a great way to organize them! I would love to continue to share helpful tips other than just the deals of the week with you. So let me know what you want to see!!!

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