Get Organized
• Throw away anything past its expiration date and consolidate multiples of items that are half used.
• Transfer dry goods to airtight containers to prolong their shelf life.
• Label shelves so that everything has its place. Knowing where to find items makes cooking more efficient. Also, mark all foods that go in the freezer with the date.
6 Ways to Shop Smart and Eat Healthy
Shop Effectively
• Always make a grocery list and divide it into sections for produce, meat, dairy, pantry, etc. This way, you won’t waste time going back and forth between aisles.
• Check out the newspaper for sales. Make notes of specials and clip coupons for any of the items on your list. Avoid buying unnecessary products just because they are a good deal.
• Choose a time to shop that’s convenient for you and during low-volume hours when the selection will be plentiful.
• Load up on dinner essentials (see box at left). These items are versatile and can be used in many different dishes. Think bacon and eggs are only for breakfast? How’s spaghetti carbonara sound?
Money-Saving Tips for a Frugal Meal
Prep and Plan Ahead
• After you get home from the supermarket, wash and cut up all of your produce. When veggies are already diced, stir-fry is a breeze. Having salad greens already washed will also make it easier to reach for a healthy side dish.
• Divide freezer essentials like chicken and bacon into individual servings. Time for thawing will be cut significantly and you’ll use only what you need.
• Plan your meals at the beginning of the week to eliminate the question “What’s for dinner?” each night. Make some meals multitask. If you’re preparing tomato sauce for chicken parmigiana, cook extra to pair with spaghetti and frozen vegetables for pasta primavera another day.
• Make a big pot of rice at the beginning of the week and store in the fridge. It can be used as a speedy side dish. Or combine it with soy sauce, eggs, chicken, and a few other essentials for a delicious fried-rice dinner.
5 Unexpected Food Trends
Dinner Essentials
• Balsamic vinegar
• Breadcrumbs
• Beans, canned
• Tomatoes, canned
• Onions, garlic
• Rice
• Spaghetti
• Broth
• Dijon mustard
• Eggs
• Parmesan cheese
• Raspberry jam
• Soy sauce
• Bacon (freeze in individual portions)
• Chicken breasts
• Ginger root
• Mixed frozen vegetables
Spaghetti + eggs + Parmesan + bacon = Spaghetti Carbonara
Rice + onions + soy sauce + eggs + ginger root + chicken + veggies = Chicken Fried Rice
Chicken + breadcrumbs + tomatoes + Parmesan = Chicken Parmigiana
Veggies + broth + beans + onion + garlic + tomatoes + broken spaghetti = Hearty Vegetable Soup
Chicken + raspberry jam + broth + balsamic vinegar + garlic = Glazed Chicken Breasts
...And the Rest of the Home
by Pat George
Instead of an expensive remodel, these quick-and-easy changes for corners of your home will cheer up your space and make you smile.
Brighten a Front Door
Stuck with a dull entry? With only one quart of primer, one quart of an oil-based paint(try a warm color, like deep red), and a bottle of brass polish for the door knob, the entrance to your home will look vibrant and bright.
For an accent, fill a tall rattan planter with a fresh rosemary plant surrounded with English ivy. The herb will give off a great fragrance while adding greenery to your area.
* Do not paint the door the same color as the surrounding trim. Choose a contrasting, bright accent color.
* Apply three coats of paint for best color and durability.
* The planter should be at least two feet high and its color should not match the door.
Give Your Bedroom a New Personality
Take advantage of January white sales. New sheets and pillowcases, a matching bed skirt to add color and hide the ugly metal bed frame, and throw pillows will give your bed a bright and cheerful new look. The wall behind the bed can also e dressed up with two king-size sheets and a wooden drapery pole. Just sew a pocket at the top and attach to the ceiling, and push a simple curtain rod through the bottom to attach at the baseboard behind the bed. The result is an easy and unexpected "head-board" at a fraction of the cost.
* Solid colors or striped sheets work best.
* Limit color scheme to two colors.
* Hang a mirror opposite a window to reflect light.
Bring Color to a Dark Bathroom
Create a decorator look by introducing bold colors like lime and aqua. Towels are on sale this month, so get a good supply. For accent pieces, think big: Try a two-foot vase filled with tall artificial green leaves--great for steamy rooms.
* Increase all light-bulb wattage.
* Stack folded towels on a shelf or in a basket for a neat, plush look.
* Buy a minimum of two towels in each size. This way, you always have one in the bathroom when the other is in the wash.
Watch CBS’s The Early Show on Wednesday, 7–9 a.m., for more home tips.
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