"I was really nervous that my meters wouldn't be in today but luckily they were! I have an awesome Wags that will pre-order for me which is the only way you could realistically buy such large quantities. It's a lot of transactions so I did go in early when the store wasn't busy.
This was big "Meter Money Maker Sunday" and aside from that I only picked up a few of the FREE after RR. Remember the Bayer Contour deal is good all week but the Accu-Check was today only. Here's what I purchased...
Transactions 1 - 23
1 Accu-check Aviva Monitor $14.99
-Up to $10/1 Accu-check Monitor 11/8 SS
-$5/1 Accu-check Monitor "Diabetes & You" Wags bookletTotal $0
Get Back $5 RR = $5 Money Maker x 23 = $115 Money Maker
Transactions 24 - 33
1 Bayer Contour Meter $14.99
-Up to $30/1 Bayer Contour Meter 10/25 RPTotal $0
Get Back $10 RR = $10 Money Maker x 10 = $100 Money Maker
Transaction 34
Vitamin Schtick Lip Care .14 oz $1.99
Blink Tears .34 or .5oz $7.99
Scaplicin Medicated Wipes 12pk $5.99
Joint Juice 30pk $10
3 - Valentines Cups $.17 each with in ad Q
2 - Ravena Knee Highs $.29 each
Total $27.06
-$2/1 Blink 1/31 RP (one paper in my area had this, yippee!)
-$1/1 Scaplicin PRINT (expires 2/1 unless they refresh it)-$24 in RR from previous purchasesTotal $.06
Get $2 Vitamin Schtick, $8 Blink, $6 Scaplicin, $10 Joint Juice = $1.94 Money Maker
Transaction 35
Vitamin Schtick Lip Care .14 oz $1.99
Blink Tears .34 or .5oz $7.99
Scaplicin Medicated Wipes 12pk $5.99
Joint Juice 30pk $10
2 - Valentines Cups $.17 each with in ad Q
3 - Ravena Knee Highs $.29 each
Total $27.18
Used-$2/1 Blink 1/31 RP (one paper in my area had this, yippee!)
-$1/1 Scaplicin PRINT (expires 2/1 unless they refresh it)-$24 in RR from previous purchases
Total $.18
Get $2 Vitamin Schtick, $8 Blink, $6 Scaplicin, $10 Joint Juice = $1.82 Money Maker
Total $218.76 Money Maker! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!"
(and 35 transactions later! WOW!) by Sassy Saver
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